Line 6 Litigator

Line 6 Original inspired by boutique mid-gain amps


line 6 original amp

Smooth-overdriving, easy to play, boutique mid-gain.

The “Litigator” was born not constrained by making a model that matched a real world amp. It started from a Fender place like so many of the boutique amps, moving the tone stack to a different location later in the circuit and also tone stack cap values and ranges (wasn’t constrained by the real world, low pass and high pass filtering before each of the gain stages). driving knob adjust frequency responses in various places in the circuit (fine tuning the knees of how the individual tube stages entered clipping). Tuning the power amp to make it distort in an idealized way. Adjusting the sag so that it reacted in a ideal way.

Based on a heavily modded Fender and then hammered on and tweaked. It wouldn’t be impossible to make in the physical world, but it might get a little messy. removing a lot of the noise and irregularities that people find unpleasant, but adding just enough of the wrong things so they enhance without being a distraction. It’s like a vintage amp with movie magic color correction and hyped depth of field.

Like a dirty Vintage Deluxe, dumble-esqe, very smooth, mid-gain, edge-of-breakup model. In the same general neighborhood as the Pete Anderson Deluxe model that was in the HD model packs, but with more gain on tap.

Low Overdrive type amp in the Helix to give me a usable sound right out of the box, sounds awesome with the Stupor OD drive distortion.